Wednesday, July 29, 2009

to Casa...

Breakfast this morning with the San Francisco girls, very nice and chatty. Katherine is off to Casablanca today as well and then flies home (via Amsterdam) tomorrow. So perhaps we'll bump into her.

Settled up and said goodbyes to Josephine, who thanked us for walking into her house. She liked us a lot, I think.

Then out to the parking lot where, for the first time EVER, there were no taxis. And three people waiting. Boo. We walked a little way down, eventually flagging someone down to take us to the station. Still got there at 10:25; plenty of time to spare. Checked the destination board and asked three people who all agreed that the train would be on platform 2. Got some cold-ish drinks and got on board -- there seems to be the tiniest bit of cold air like when you stand in front of the fridge -- but not proper A/C. Oh well. Shared the compartment with a Belgian woman an a nervous young Fassi who had been born and raised in the Hague and had never taken the train alone in Morocco. Luckily, both she and the Belgian were going to Tangier, so they agreed to help each other. Only 2 hours left now...

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